Like a country with geographical barriers to invasion, the human body has barriers to bacteria, viruses, and other bad guys breaking and entering. When the army fails to protect the country, foreign invaders can overwhelm to country. The same thing happens with the human body. What is the body’s army? Look at the borders of your body as the skin, the lining in your intestines, brain, etc.. When these barriers leak, antigens (undigested food, parasites, chemical toxins, molds, and bacteria) invade and cause an immune response. Soldiers (macrophages) envelope the invader and call for help. If the help just right, the body destroys the invader and the army is sent back to the barracks. If the army over reacts, then innocent civilians are killed or to put it another way, the body mistakes its own healthy tissue as a foreign invader and targets it for elimination. On the other hand, if the army is not strong enough, the invaders win. In autoimmune thyroid Hashimoto’s Disease, either the army over reacts or the invaders win. Either way healthy tissue is tagged as a bad guy and the immune system designed to protect you slowly eats away at healthy tissue. Ironically, the thyroid gland has a similar molecular structure to GLUTEN. In Hashimoto’s, the individual is gluten intolerant and when gluten enters the body the autoimmune response not only targets gluten for elimination but the thyroid as well because it can’t tell the difference.

IMPORTANT: If the thyroid is being destroyed by the immune system, why is the standard medical treatment targeted treating a healthy thyroid when the problem is not thyroid but an immune attack on the thyroid. All thyroid and endocrine societies in the U.S. agree that more than 50% of all thyroid conditions are autoimmune Hashimoto’s Disease. So why are most people with thyroid conditions not tested for autoimmunity? The reason is because the only medical treatment available (steroids) is worse than the effects of the disease itself. So the only thing standard medicine is left with is to treat the thyroid symptomatically as the thyroid continues to be destroyed by the autoimmune reaction. The medication dosage continues to increase as the thyroid is ultimately completely destroyed and the person them must remain on thyroid medications for life.

THERE IS ANOTHER WAY! Don’t wait until it’s too late. The key is to clean up the leaky barriers, especially the gut, and then to support the immune system thus slowing down the immune response and subsequent thyroid tissue destruction.

If you have wondered if chiropractic nutritional approaches can help you, see your chiropractor. Better yet, see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself, Dr. Scott Brown.

Call us today (303) 986-7600 at Brown Chiropractic Neurology for a free consultation! Proudly serving Denver, Lakewood, Golden, Wheat Ridge, Arvada, and Evergreen, Colorado.

Denver/Lakewood Chiropractor

Too much insulin flooding insulin receptor sites and not being able to bind (hyperinsulinemia) is a bad thing. Not only because of the risk of Diabetes, but because of other health effects including increase risk of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD). H0w does it do this? It increases risk of High Blood Pressure, damages protein synthesis and coagulation, and interferes with lipoprotein metabolism. Due to insulin’s relationship with  sodium levels, when insulin levels increase so does blood pressure. As insulin levels drop, so does blood pressure. Insulin Resistance also interferes with breaking down fibrin protein which is intimately involved with coagulation (clotting).

Since high insulin levels are also associated with lipid metabolism abnormalities (think high cholesterol, high triglycerides, low good cholesterol (HDL), and high bad cholesterol (LDL), it is wise to lower it to avoid taking statin drug with the know serious side effects.Insulin Resistance is also associated with adrenal, thyroid, liver, immune, gut, and cognitive dysfunction. This is a serious problem that leads to Diabetes. Diabetes alone is projected by health authorities to break the American health care system unless drastic changes are made to eliminate this PREVENTABLE disease.

If you have wondered if chiropractic neurology and functional medicine can help you, see a chiropractor or chiropractors. Better yet, do both and see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself, Dr. Scott Brown.

How are we different? We specialize in neurological, immunological, and endocrine rehabilitation without the use of drugs or surgery. Conditions treated include: Sleep Disorders, Cognitive Disorders,Mood Disorders, Balance Disorders (Vertigo, Dizziness, etc.), Movement Disorders (Tics, Tremors, Tourette’s, etc.), Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ADHD, ADD, OCD, CDD, PDD, Asperger’s, etc), Fibromyalgia, Headaches,Mirgraines, Peripheral Neuropathy, Autoimmune Disorders, Thyroid Disorders, Hormone Disorders, Adrenal Disorders, and Blood Sugar Disorders (Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, and Hypoglycemia).

Call us today at (303) 986-7600 for a free consultation. We proudly serve Denver, Lakewood, Wheat Ridge, Arvada, Golden, Morrison, and Evergreen.

HYPOGLYCEMIA occurs when fasting blood glucose levels indicate low fasting serum (blood) glucose. Hypoglycemia is caused by poor diet (heavy carbohydrates, sugars, and skipped meals), low cortisol levels, low adrenal function, Hypothyroidism, and drug side effects. Symptoms include headaches, fatigue, shakiness, irritability if meals are missed, and sweet cravings.

SYNDROME X or Metabolic Syndrome occurs when fasting glucose levels are high (this is a pre-Diabetic condition. In Syndrome X, there is usually an accompanying decrease in good cholesterol (High Density Lipoprotein, HDL), elevation in bad cholesterol (Low Density Lipoprotein, LDL), elevation in triglycerides, and elevation in uric acid.  This is usually the result of a couch potato lifestyle combined with bad food choices. Symptoms include fatigue after meals and cravings for sweets.

Maintaining blood sugar balance (neither too high or too low) is necessary to be healthy and without it, not only does one have a risk of Diabetes but also breakdown of adrenal, thyroid, gut, liver, and immune systems.

If you have wondered if chiropractic neurology and functional medicine can help you, see a chiropractor or chiropractors. Better yet, do both and see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself, Dr. Scott Brown.

How are we different? We specialize in neurological, immunological, and endocrine rehabilitation without the use of drugs or surgery. Conditions treated include: Sleep Disorders, Cognitive Disorders,Mood Disorders, Balance Disorders (Vertigo, Dizziness, etc.), Movement Disorders (Tics, Tremors, Tourette’s, etc.), Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ADHD, ADD, OCD, CDD, PDD, Asperger’s, etc), Fibromyalgia, Autoimmune Disorders, Thyroid Disorders, Hormone Disorders, Adrenal Disorders, and Blood Sugar Disorders (Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Hypoglycemia).

Call us today at (303) 986-7600 for a free consultation. We proudly serve Denver, Lakewood, Wheat Ridge, Arvada, Golden, Morrison, and Evergreen.

What is so important about the thyroid?  The answer is cross talk. The thyroid had cross talk with so many systems in the body and when it fails, one feels like she is “falling apart”. Frequently thyroid hormones are prescribed carte blance in an attempt to fix all the other systems along with the thyroid. Not good.The problem is that thyroid hormones may not be truly needed, possibly causing more problems than solutions. Thus there are millions of sufferers out there taking medications, feeling no better or even worse. The thyroid is so complicated that it can only be evaluated by looking at all bodily system through a thorough history and lab analysis.

Let’s take a look at some of the functions of the thyroid: (1) Gastrointestinal (GI) function – one of the main complaints of hypothyroisiam is constipation. Poor thyroid function slows down gut motility so that food slows down in the digestive tract. This can lead to compromised gut immune function allowing bacteria, viruses, and inflammatory processes to set in. (2) Gall bladder and liver function – this is your toxin filtering system where the liver filters, cleans, and detoxifies hormones. The gall bladder then removes the waste products.  In the liver, T4 or unusable thyroid hormone is converted to usable T3.  Hypothyroidism slows liver function and results in lower T3 production (3) bone metabolism – the thyroid manufactures a calcium regulating hormone called calcitonin and when it fails, calcium levels are affected (4) male sexual function – hypothyroidism in men leads to low sex drive, impotence, and low sperm count (5) Insulin (blood sugar) function- the brain uses most of the glucose produced in the body. Consequently when the thyroid is low, people absorb glucose slower and, consequently, have slower brain function. This leads  to “brain fog” and memory difficulties (6) Cholesterol or lipid function – when the thyroid is underactive, one makes fat faster than they burn it. This causes cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL (low density lipoprotein) to elevate and store fat (7) inability to lose weight – when the thyroid is low, the adrenal system fails to produce the epinephrine and norepinephrine hormone for fat burning . At the same time, hypothyroidism diminishes Human Grown Hormone (HGH) so muscle loss occurs.

Stay tuned for part 6 where we will continue with the functions starting with #8

If you have wondered if chiropractic brain based nutritional approaches are right for you, see a chiropractor or chiropractors. Better yet, see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself Dr .Scott Brown

Call us today at Brown Chiropractic Neurology (303) 986-7600 for a free consultation. You’ll be glad you did! Proudly serving Denver, Lakewood, Arvada, Wheat Ridge, Golden, and Evergreen Colorado.

Denver/Lakewood Chiropractor

Very simply, true hypoglycemia is a state of low blood sugar (FASTING glucose levels). The CAUSES are bad dietary habits, bad adrenal gland function from too much stress, hypothyroidism (low thyroid) which is secondary to many illnesses in the body, drug reactions, and growths or tumors.

(1) irritability or shakiness and lightheadedness if meals are late or missed.
(2) sweet cravings
(3) fatigue
(4) memory loss and fogginess
(5) lethargy
(6) headaches

IMPORTANT: Hypoglycemia is an entirely manageable condition that can controlled (usually completely eliminated) with discipline, diet, and exercise combined with a stress reduction lifestyle.

If you have wondered if chiropractic nutritional approaches can help you, see a chiropractor or chiropractors. Better yet, see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself, Dr. Scott Brown.

Call us today (303) 986-7600 at Brown Chiropractic Neurology for a free consultation! Proudly serving Denver, Lakewood, Golden, Wheat Ridge, Arvada, Morrison, and Evergreen, Colorado.

Denver/Lakewood Chiropractor

Thyroid metabolism (in a nutshell) goes something like this: The hypothalamus of the brain ( the main control center for the autonomic nervous system ) produces Thyroid Releasing Hormone to excite the pituitary gland (the main endocrine gland). In turn the pituitary gland releases another hormone called Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) to the thyroid gland. TSH stimulates the production of Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO). TPO uses iodine to create T4 and T3 hormones. Most of these thyroid hormones are T4 (93%) and the rest to T3 (7%). But wait. The body only utilizes T3. So 60% of the T4 is converted in the liver to T3. Now we have 67% T3 that is useful. Fortunately, the most of the remaining T4 is converted to T3 in the peripheral tissues and the gastrointestinal tract (GI).

Here’s the problem. Things can go wrong with each of these steps. The brain may not release the TSH. The pituitary may be malfunctioning. TPO may fail to stimulate the use of iodine. The problem may be autoimmune where circulating antibodies have identified the thyroid as a foreign invader. Note that the thyroid has a similar chemical structure as gluten and this is why the body mistakenly identifies the thyroid as an enemy and attacks it. Autoimmune thyroid diseases include Hashimoto’s Disease and Graves Disease. Other non-thyroid autoimmune diseases include Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Lupus, Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis, etc..

The thyroid is a complex organ with cross talk to literally every bodily system ( brain, GI tract, neurotransmitter system, adrenal glands, liver, etc.).

If you have wondered if chiropractic nutritional approaches can help you, see a chiropractor or chiropractors. Better yet, see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself Dr. Scott Brown.

Call us today at Brown Chiropractic Neurology (303) 986-7600 for a free consultation. Proudly serving Denver, Lakewood, Arvada, Wheat Ridge, Golden, and Evergreen Colorado

Denver/ Lakewood Chiropractor

Psychiatric drugs are a monetary windfall for the pharmaceutical giants. Have these drugs been proven valid, safe, or effective? The research leads to a simple answer – no. Unlike other drugs such as for blood sugar and cholesterol, psychiatric drugs have been not shown to have ANY measurable effects on neurotransmitter imbalances that are supposed to cause depression. In addition, placebos have been shown to work just as well. Psychiatric drugs kill over 40,000 people per year and cause adverse reactions in more than half a million.

There can be lethal cardiac side effects (New England Journal of Medicine, Jan. 2009, Journal of American Cardiology 2009) and anti-psychotic drugs can DOUBLE the risk of sudden death from heart attack.

Is being sad or blue really a sign of a “disease” condition or chemical imbalance? No, it is a functional problem that can usually be corrected with brain based therapies, diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes. Also, the normal grieving period after the death of a loved one is certainly not a disease in spite of the fact that the drug manufacturers would have you believe it is a Valium deficiency. The MIMH (National Institute of Mental Health) (1983) stated: ” There is no evidence that there is anything wrong in the serotonergic system in depressed patients”. In other words, it is not a chemical imbalance.

Just the (scientific) facts: (1) anti-depressants do NOT provide any clinical benefits to mild or moderate depression (2) all psychiatric drugs have known and unknown risks (side effects) including suicide (3) anti-depressants lead to relapses and worsening of depression (4) 25-50% of children who take anti-depressants for 5 years will become bi-polar (5) anti-depressants lead to Dementia and cognitive loss.


(1) Chiropractic Neurology – balance your brain with brain based exercises for hemisphericity (asymmetry of brain function). Safe, proven techniques that are tailored for your individual needs. These include visual, auditory, olfactory (smell), proprioceptive (exercise, chiropractic adjustments, massage, and vibration), and cognitive exercises.

(2) Eliminate stress or your body will be out of balance with your life

(3) Go out and play and come back at dinner time. Get plenty of sunshine

(4) Have one belly laugh per day. THAT keeps the doctor away

(5) Never leave (or stay) home without your Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’S). High levels of EFA’s are absolutely essential for depressed patients.

If you have wondered if chiropractic approaches can help you, see a chiropractor or chiropractors. Better yet see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself Dr. Scott Brown.

At Brown Chiropractic Neurology, we look for the root cause of your depression. Our treatments are safe and effective. Blood work and a neurological examination is the first step to finding out what is wrong with your body and how to correct it. I’d like to help. Call today (303) 986-7600.

We proudly serve Denver, Golden, Lakewood, Wheat Ridge, Arvada, Morrison, and Evergreen Colorado.

Denver/ Lakewood Chiropractor

The good news is that Americans are TRYING to eat better. The bad news is that they think they are (eating better) when they are not. And it’s no wonder with the flood of advertising and mis-information promoting bad foods and the abhorrent government subsidization of  the “junk food” industries leaving people the choice of paying more for healthy food than junk food.

MISTAKE #1: According to Consumer Reports, more than half of Americans say they are “limiting fat” without knowing the difference between good and bad fats. For example, trans fats and refined, polyunsaturated fats are the bad ones. Saturated fats (fish, dairy meat, tropical plants, coconut, etc.) are GOOD. Saturated fats are anti-viral, anti-plaque, heart friendly necessities. Most Americans would benefit from ORGANIC beef and dairy products and non-farm raised fish such as wild salmon, which provide anti-inflammatory omega 3 fatty acids.

MISTAKE #2: The general public assumes (incorrectly) that refined carbohydrates such as sugar is bad and that grains and fruits are good. The truth is that, grains, fruits,  and refined sugars should be limited in quantity because they all turn to sugar in the body and put stress on the insulin regulating systems in the body. This can cause or exacerbate health conditions as varied as Obesity, Diabetes, Hypertension, and Cancer. And guess what? About 80% of the American population has one of these conditions. When you add in gluten intolerance (in America almost all grain products have unhealthy gluten) to the list of disadvantages of grains, the problems are magnified. About 20% of the population may require a high carbohydrate diet to lose weight, but even those should eliminate grains.


(1) Do eat protein (organic eggs, fish, etc.) for breakfast and drop the sugar foods (fruits, donuts, etc.). A high quality protein and vitamin shake such as Clearvite from Apex Energetics (my choice) can even replace breakfast for those who skip or eat poor breakfasts.

(2) Do eat HEALTHY CARBOHYDRATES in the form of heaping helpings of leafy green and all other colored vegetables as often as possible. This will not put stress on your insulin system.

(3) Cut out processed sugar and gluten products as much as possible

The challenge today is that it is cheap and effortless to eat poorly and it is expensive and labor intensive to have a healthy diet. At Brown Chiropractic Neurology, we specialize in well care where our motto is “healthy by choice, not by chance” and the truth is that today there is no chance to stay healthy without good choices, and that includes diet and lifestyle.

If you have ever wondered if chiropractic nutritional approaches can help, see a chiropractor or chiropractors. Better yet, see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself Dr. Scott Brown.

Call us today for a free consultation! (303) 986-7600. We proudly serve Denver, Lakewood, Golden,  Arvada, Wheat Ridge, Morrison, Evergreen, Colorado (CO).

Denver/ Lakewood Chiropractor

It is well understood that the first two years of life are important for psychological development; but, most don’t realize that this period is also extremely important for the developing immune system. The child’s immune health at this time of development will have an enormous impact on the future health of the child. Science leaves little room for doubt that introducing toxins into the child (including drugs) will suppress his or her immune system. The most important thing for a developing child is a healthy diet and nervous system. In addition the most important time for the nervous system in development is from conception through year 7.

Dr. Brown’s fine tips raising a strong, healthy baby:

(1) Healthy diet. This means tough love when it comes to “giving in” to comfort foods that have been marketed to you and your child. Eliminate gluten/wheat, soy, dairy, and processed sugar. Concentrate on healthy protein such as fish (not farm raised), all colors of vegetables and fruit, and nuts of all kinds. Avoid all processed foods, sodas, and candy because they are some of the main reasons for the exponential increase in childhood Diabetes.

(2) Avoid anti-biotics. They are still given out like candy. Chiropractic adjustments boost the immune system, and along with a healthy diet, can halt the rounds of painful ear infections as it has with so many of my patients.

(3) Kids need lots of exercise. The childhood Obesity epidemic in America is directly related to lack of exercise and to fast food diets.

(4) Breast feed your babies. This is nature’s way, and the single best way, to boost your child’s immune system. Avoid soy baby formulas at all costs (see my previous blogs on soy)

(5) Research vaccinations thoroughly before you have your child vaccinated. Some of them are not worth the risk.

(6) Limit electronic media. Electromagnetic frequency risks are now being exposed. Children need to run and jump and play in real, spatial time to fully develop balance and coordination as well as executive function. Brain research now indicates that computer use and video games may increase the child’s ability to recognize symbols and icons while hindering brain development in math in both hemispheres as well as executive function in the frontal lobe (especially the right hemisphere).

If you have wondered if chiropractic neurology and brain based therapies with natural nutrition could help your child, see a chiropractor or chiropractors. Better yet, see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself Dr. Scott Brown.

At Brown Chiropractic Neurology, we use drug free, surgery free methods to balance the brain and remove nerve disturbances. These modalities include spinal adjustments and other forms of proprioceptive stimulation, visual exercises, auditory stimulation, and cognitive exercises.  We also treat metabolic disorders which include but are not limited to: thyroid, blood sugar, adrenal, and autoimmune problems. Call us today at (303) 986-7600.

If you have ever wondered if chiropractic nutritional approaches can help, see a chiropractor or chiropractors. Better yet, see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself Dr. Scott Brown.

Call us today for a free consultation! (303) 986-7600. We proudly serve Denver, Lakewood, Golden,  Arvada, Wheat Ridge, Morrison, Evergreen, Colorado (CO).

Denver/ Lakewood Chiropractor

What do top athletes do that separate them from the herd? Other than natural ability combined with hard work? They are always searching for the “edge” for ways to improve – even fractions of a second for Lindsey Vonn in the downhill ski race can mean the difference between a gold medal and obscurity. ALL of these top performers today are diet fanatics and Lance Armstrong is even reported to weigh his food.

Dr. Brown’s fine peak performance tips:
(1) Optimize energy systems by supporting a healthy brain and intestinal flora. Probiotics and omega 3 fatty acids promote symbiosis between brain and gut.  Why do I associate brain and gut? Because most people with good brains have good guts. The gut is considered the 2nd brain and is responsible for 75% of your immune system. Immune compromised athletes rarely excel, not to mention that a leaky gut fails to deliver fuel to make the muscles work.

(2) Get as much fiber in your diet as possible. Regularity promotes optimal performance. Try beans, peas, legumes, apricots, raspberries, figs, plums, pears, apples, broccoli, cherries, bananas, brussels sprouts, coconuts, and baked potatoes (with skin).

(3) Get 8 hours of sleep EVERY night. Some studies (and my personal experience) show that the hours slept before midnight are worth twice as much as after.

(4) Turn on your brain and central nervous system with chiropractic adjustments and massage. Top performers such as Joe Montana, Tiger Woods, and Lance Armstrong keep their edge with regular adjustments and freely admit that they could not perform at the highest level without spinal and extremity adjustments.

(5) Limit alcohol. No explanation needed

(6) Thank you for not smoking!

(7) Eliminate stress. Chill out – literally. Read spiritual or inspirational literature before going to sleep and NEVER watch the (bad) news that starts at 11 pm every night.

If you have wondered if chiropractic can help  you reach your athletic potential, see a chiropractor or chiropractors. Better yet, see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself Dr. Scott Brown.

Call us today at Brown Chiropractic Neurology (303) 986-7600 for a free consultation. We proudly serve Denver, Lakewood, Golden, Morrison, Wheat Ridge, Arvada, and Evergreen, Colorado (CO).

Denver/Lakewood Chiropractor