Thyroid Disease and sleep

Low thyroid or Hypothyroidism is usually secondary to other metabolic problems and frequently it is adrenal malfunction. Chronic adrenal stress affects the relay system between the brain and the thyroid hormones. The hypothalamus and pituitary glands direct thyroid activities. With chronic stress they will mis-communicate with the thyroid. Sometimes a low thyroid burns out the adrenals and sometimes low adrenals burn out the thyroid. In any event, the cascade of metabolic imbalances associated with an under-performing thyroid gland include blood sugar imbalances and poor gut health. The shut down in these important body systems results in abnormal circadian rhythms at night. When the body’s natural rhythms are out of sync, insomnia is a common result.

Which comes first the chicken or the egg? Insomnia is ALWAYS a problem that begins in the Neuro-Immune- Endocrine system. Sometimes it is something simple such as a stressful event such as a death of a loved one or a divorce that raises the output of the Hypothalamus/Pituitary/Adrenal (HPA)axis, and the resultant signals to the adrenal glands to produce more cortisol. In this case when the event is over and the person has grieved properly, the body returns to normal with normal sleep. However when this stress goes on and on, eventually the body loses homeostasis and the system fails. The result can be disastrous to sleep, energy, and joy de vive.

Cortisol is the steroid hormone that mobilizes you and allows you to “run from the tiger” so to speak. However, our bodies are not designed to run from tigers every day. In America,the stress levels are so high  that this is exactly what happens though. Over time, with high levels of cortisol (can’t fall asleep), the adrenals burn out and produce low cortisol (can’t stay asleep) and eventually in the state of adrenal exhaustion, one may not be able to fall or stay asleep.

If you have wondered if chiropractic neurology and functional medicine can help you, see a chiropractor. Better yet, see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself, Dr. Scott Brown.

How are we different? We specialize in neurological, immunological, and endocrine rehabilitation without the use of drugs or surgery. Conditions treated include: Sleep Disorders, Cognitive Disorders, Mood Disorders, Balance Disorders (Vertigo, Dizziness, etc.), Headaches, Migraines, Peripheral Neuropathy, Movement Disorders (Tics, Tremors, Tourette’s, etc.), Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ADHD, ADD, OCD, CDD, PDD, Asperger’s, etc), Fibromyalgia, Autoimmune Disorders, Thyroid Disorders, Hormone Disorders, Adrenal Disorders, and Blood Sugar Disorders (Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Hypoglycemia).

Call us today at (303) 986-7600 for a free consultation. We proudly serve Denver, Lakewood, Wheat Ridge, Arvada, Golden, Morrison, and Evergreen.

Denver/ Lakewood Chiropractor

Some insomniacs KNOW that they have trouble sleeping. Others don’t. For instance, many of you wake up tired even after 8 or more hours of sleep. Some of you are refreshed and rested after as little as 5 to 6 hours of sleep. There are many possible reasons for the former. Among them is that the sleep you are getting is fragmented and the normal sleep cycles are not occurring. For instance, you may be in rapid eye movement (REM) or dream sleep all night with no deep sleep.

Another reason that may keep you from waking up rested is Sleep Apnea or Sleep Hypopnea. In Sleep Apnea, one will actually stop breathing. In Sleep Hypopnea, one will have lower levels of Oxygen saturation at night but not actually stop breathing. Either way, without oxygen it is hard to rejuvenate at night without proper oxygen.

Research indicates that as we age, the HPA axis of the brain is altered by high cortisol levels. Cortisol (a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal gland) has an impact on both REM and deep sleep patterns. Stressful American lifestyles are the major contributor to adrenal dysfunction and sleep disorders.

If you have wondered if chiropractic neurology and functional medicine can help you, see a chiropractor. Better yet, see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself, Dr. Scott Brown.

How are we different? We specialize in neurological, immunological, and endocrine rehabilitation without the use of drugs or surgery. Conditions treated include: Sleep Disorders, Cognitive Disorders,Mood Disorders, Balance Disorders (Vertigo, Dizziness, etc.), Headaches, Migraines, Peripheral Neuropathy, Movement Disorders (Tics, Tremors, Tourette’s, etc.), Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ADHD, ADD, OCD, CDD, PDD, Asperger’s, etc), Fibromyalgia, Autoimmune Disorders, Thyroid Disorders, Hormone Disorders, Adrenal Disorders, and Blood Sugar Disorders (Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Hypoglycemia).

Call us today at (303) 986-7600 for a free consultation. We proudly serve Denver, Lakewood, Wheat Ridge, Arvada, Golden, Morrison, and Evergreen.

Denver/ Lakewood Chiropractor

Adrenal Hypo-function – people who can’t stay asleep

People who skip meals or eat low protein/high carbohydrate breakfasts, eat & drink sugar laden foods and beverages, and live at the coffee shop drinking caffeine and latte drinks are the perfect candidate to become hypoglycemic. They become shaky, irritable, head-achy, and light headed if they miss meals. This puts tremendous stress on the adrenal glands to keep blood sugar stable (especially during sleep). When the body is asleep, it requires a continuous supply of glucose, which is depleted 60% during an overnight fast. People with blood sugar problems will not be able to tolerate an overnight fast creating a stress response on the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands must now secrete adrenaline to compensate for the lack of cortisol and the low blood sugar. This causes the person to wake up in the middle of the night. The body can’t rest when it is being pumped full of adrenaline. In other words, you can’t run from the tiger and sleep at the same time.

If you have wondered if chiropractic neurology and functional medicine can help you, see a chiropractor or chiropractors. Better yet, do both and see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself, Dr. Scott Brown.

How are we different? We specialize in neurological, immunological, and endocrine rehabilitation without the use of drugs or surgery. Conditions treated include: sleep disorders, cognitive disorders, mood disorders, balance disorders (Vertigo, Dizziness, etc.), Headaches, Migraines, Peripheral Neuropathy, movement disorders (Tics, Tremors, Tourette’s, etc.), Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ADHD, ADD, OCD, CDD, PDD, Asperger’s, etc), Fibromyalgia, autoimmune disorders, thyroid disorders, hormone disorders, adrenal disorders, and blood sugar disorders (Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Hypoglycemia).

Call us today at (303) 986-7600 for a free consultation. We proudly serve Denver, Lakewood, Wheat Ridge, Arvada, Golden, Morrison, and Evergreen.

Denver/ Lakewood Chiropractor

In a stressed out America, many people have trouble falling or staying asleep. The standard medical model of treatment involves pharmaceutical intervention. Quite frankly, not only are these medications poorly tolerated by the individual; but also, drugs are a short term masking of the problem which must eventually be addressed at its origin.

The shocking truth is that law enforcement agencies are confirming what research has also indicated – sleep deprivation is responsible for more vehicular injuries and deaths than drunk driving.  What’s going on?

Sometimes insomnia is directly related to Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), Insulin Resistance (high blood sugar), or full blown Diabetes. Almost always when blood sugar imbalances exist, there is stress on the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands are two pea sized glands located above kidneys which produce hormones that will stabilize blood sugar. When the adrenals secrete cortisol in higher than normal amounts at bedtime, the pattern is called adrenal hyper-function (overactive adrenals) resulting in the inability to fall asleep. Adrenal hypo-function is just the opposite in that patients can fall asleep but not stay asleep. Obviously, both conditions will impact sleep.

Testing for adrenal function involves a test called the Adrenal Salivary Index (ASI). The individual will take 4 saliva samples during the day and send it to the lab for analysis. The lab can see the circadian cycles of cortisol throughout the day to determine what stage of adrenal stress the person is in. The test is accurate and reasonably priced.

If you have wondered if chiropractic neurology and functional medicine can help you, see a chiropractor or chiropractors. Better yet, see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself, Dr. Scott Brown.

How are we different? We specialize in neurological, immunological, and endocrine rehabilitation without the use of drugs or surgery. Conditions treated include: sleep disorders, cognitive disorders, mood disorders, balance disorders (Vertigo, Dizziness, etc.), Headaches, Migraines, Peripheral Neuropathy, movement disorders (Tics, Tremors, Tourette’s, etc.), Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ADHD, ADD, OCD, CDD, PDD, Asperger’s, etc), Fibromyalgia, autoimmune disorders, thyroid disorders, hormone disorders, adrenal disorders, and blood sugar disorders (Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Hypoglycemia).

Call us today at (303) 986-7600 for a free consultation. We proudly serve Denver, Lakewood, Wheat Ridge, Arvada, Golden, Morrison, and Evergreen.

Denver/ Lakewood Chiropractor

Most parents today are oblivious to the detrimental effects of the standard American diet (SAD) on the developing brain. This is bad enough for those with normal immune systems. For those with Functional Disconnection Syndrome or Autistic Spectrum children, the consequences can be life changing and not in a good way. Gross and find motor skills, behavior, cognition, socialization skills, immunity, GI function, and academics are victims of poor nutrition. Dietary composition has changed drastically from organic and pesticide free to packaged and chemically preserved in just two generations. Needless to say, this is a change for the worse. Depleted soils, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and contaminated gluten are brain toxic. Livestock are no longer grass fed but pumped full of hormones, antibiotics, and poor quality feed. In the last two generations, our diets have increased exponentially in sugar and sugar substitutes, artificial flavors and colorings, bad (trans) fats, and preservatives. Fast food restaurants with their clever marketing attracting kids to fun and inexpensive food powerfully influence our eating behaviors.

This situation calls for wary parents committed to the hard work of designing nutrition for the children

If you have wondered if chiropractic neurology and functional medicine can help you, see a chiropractor. Better yet, see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself, Dr. Scott Brown.

How are we different? We specialize in neurological, immunological, and endocrine rehabilitation without the use of drugs or surgery. Conditions treated include: Sleep Disorders, Cognitive Disorders,Mood Disorders, Balance Disorders (Vertigo, Dizziness, etc.), Headaches, Migraines, Peripheral Neuropathy, Movement Disorders (Tics, Tremors, Tourette’s, etc.), Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ADHD, ADD, OCD, CDD, PDD, Asperger’s, etc), Fibromyalgia, Autoimmune Disorders, Thyroid Disorders, Hormone Disorders, Adrenal Disorders, and Blood Sugar Disorders (Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Hypoglycemia).

Call us today at (303) 986-7600 for a free consultation. We proudly serve Denver, Lakewood, Wheat Ridge, Arvada, Golden, Morrison, and Evergreen.

Denver/ Lakewood Chiropractor

The most severe form of Developmental Delay in children is Autism. Characteristically, these children: (1) may not look you in the eye (2) may fixate on a spot or stare in the distance (3) may be awkward or clumsy (4)may  be socially inept not able to read body language  (5) may exhibit perseverative behavior such as hand flapping. Science is now indicating that the brains of Autistic children are “cross wired” or out of sync.

U.C. San Diego researchers found that newborns that later developed Autism had smaller than average head circumferences. Then, in the first month and 6th month of life, an abnormally fast growth spurt in the brain occurs resulting in a larger size head than normal. By 5 years old, an Autistic can have a brain the size of someone in their early teens. Then the Autistic’s brain growth slows down while normal brains are having  growth spurts and by late teens the Autistic brain is smaller than normal.

The reason for the abnormal brain growth in Autistic children is thought to be due to pruning. Pruning is where neurons that are not useful for survival are eliminated so that multiple connections can be made between healthier neurons. In the Autistic brain, pruning occurs that allows the unhealthy connections rather than the healthy ones. So some parts of Autistic brains have too many connections and others have too few. Also, the white matter in Autistic brains is asymmetrical.

The brain CAN change. Ours is a revolutionary SOLUTION for children with Functional Disconnections or Learning and Behavioral Disorders (ADD, Dyslexia, Autism, Aspergers’s etc.).

If you have wondered if chiropractic neurology and functional medicine can help you, see a chiropractor or chiropractors. Better yet, do both and see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself, Dr. Scott Brown.

How are we different? We specialize in neurological, immunological, and endocrine rehabilitation without the use of drugs or surgery. Conditions treated include: Sleep Disorders, Cognitive Disorders,Mood Disorders, Balance Disorders (Vertigo, Dizziness, etc.), Headaches, Migraines, Peripheral Neuropathy, Movement Disorders (Tics, Tremors, Tourette’s, etc.), Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ADHD, ADD, OCD, CDD, PDD, Asperger’s, etc), Fibromyalgia, Autoimmune Disorders, Thyroid Disorders, Hormone Disorders, Adrenal Disorders, and Blood Sugar Disorders (Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Hypoglycemia).

Call us today at (303) 986-7600 for a free consultation. We proudly serve Denver, Lakewood, Wheat Ridge, Arvada, Golden, Morrison, and Evergreen.

Denver/ Lakewood Chiropractor

Roughly one hundred billion brain cells fill the newborn child’s cranium. Only a small percentage are working at birth which is why, for instance, sight and sound are very poor at birth. But immediately after the shock of being born, the brain’s electrical circuits begin to light up and then it is a race for the two hemispheres of the brain to develop appropriately and in sync. One of the distinguishing features of human brains, compared to lower life forms, is that certain milestones in brain development must be reached at crucial times in order for one side of the brain to not lag behind the other. The left and right hemispheres and the connections between them are what allow us to combine big picture (right brain) functions with small detail (left brain) functions. So, in Autism, the electrical firing and wiring that promotes growth of the brain loses its timing. If one of these delicate neural pathways is weak or not stimulated appropriately, then crucial areas of the brain will become slower (usually in one hemisphere) and a lateralization of brain function begins to occur.

Since the right hemisphere (the area of primitive survival) is dominant in the first two years of life, the right side of the brain is where the slow down in development  usually occurs. This is especially true in boys because they are more dependent on mother’s health and in reaching those milestones in a timely fashion. These developmental delays do not usually appear in early infancy but tend to show up around age two. Age two and older is when the child starts to ” seem different” and may be labeled ADHD, Autistic, Dyslexic, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, etc..

Some of the warning signs of Functional Disconnection Syndrome are (1) clumsiness (2) poor eye coordination (3) poor fine motor skills (4) poor gross motor skills (5) retention of primitive reflexes (6) social awkwardness (7) abnormal emotions (8) weak immune systems (9) poor sensory processing of visual, auditory, olfactory, kinesthetic, and cognitive information (10) poor digestion and food sensitivities.

If you have wondered if chiropractic neurology and functional medicine can help you, see a chiropractor. Better yet, see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself, Dr. Scott Brown.

How are we different? We specialize in neurological, immunological, and endocrine rehabilitation without the use of drugs or surgery. Conditions treated include: Sleep Disorders, Cognitive Disorders,Mood Disorders, Balance Disorders (Vertigo, Dizziness, etc.), Headaches, Migraines, Peripheral Neuropathy, Movement Disorders (Tics, Tremors, Tourette’s, etc.), Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ADHD, ADD, OCD, CDD, PDD, Asperger’s, etc), Fibromyalgia, Autoimmune Disorders, Thyroid Disorders, Hormone Disorders, Adrenal Disorders, and Blood Sugar Disorders (Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Hypoglycemia).

Call us today at (303) 986-7600 for a free consultation. We proudly serve Denver, Lakewood, Wheat Ridge, Arvada, Golden, Morrison, and Evergreen.

Children with Developmental Delays are DIFFERENT and feel different from other children. In functional neurology, we strongly believe that this is due to something called hemisphericity (one half of the brain is not performing equal to the other). For instance, a child with a rapidly developing right brain and (by comparison) a slower developing left brain may not be able to read words or will tire while reading. A child with the opposite (a rapidly developing left brain and a slower right brain may a whiz at reading but poor with social skills, reading body cues, and eye contact. These children FEEL different because they are. Most feel disconnected from their bodies and have poor muscle tone. They have poor rhythm, timing, posture, and gait. Most do not fully experience the senses of sight, sound, smell, taste, feel. Many time they can’t use more than one sense at once and can become abnormally sensitive to one of the senses (such as sound or light sensitivity).

The brain CAN change. Ours is a revolutionary SOLUTION for children with Functional Disconnections or Learning and Behavioral Disorders (ADD, Dyslexia, Autism, Aspergers’s etc…)

If you have wondered if chiropractic neurology and functional medicine can help you, see a chiropractor or chiropractors. Better yet, do both and see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself, Dr. Scott Brown.

How are we different? We specialize in neurological, immunological, and endocrine rehabilitation without the use of drugs or surgery. Conditions treated include: Sleep Disorders, Cognitive Disorders,Mood Disorders, Balance Disorders (Vertigo, Dizziness, etc.), Headaches, Migraines, Peripheral Neuropathy, Movement Disorders (Tics, Tremors, Tourette’s, etc.), Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ADHD, ADD, OCD, CDD, PDD, Asperger’s, etc), Fibromyalgia, Autoimmune Disorders, Thyroid Disorders, Hormone Disorders, Adrenal Disorders, and Blood Sugar Disorders (Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Hypoglycemia).

Call us today at (303) 986-7600 for a free consultation. We proudly serve Denver, Lakewood, Wheat Ridge, Arvada, Golden, Morrison, and Evergreen.

In America over 20 million prescriptions  for Ritalin are written each year. It is frighteningly the most widely prescribed medication for children IN THE WORLD. Ritalin use has increased almost 1,000 percent since 1990 in spite of the severe side effects and the fact that the long term consequences are STILL UNKNOWN. Ritalin is a class 2 narcotic and has strikingly similar properties to cocaine. 25% of kids in special education classes have Tourette’s syndrome or tics where involuntary movements occur. Why are our kids so unhealthy? The treatment protocols to diagnose and treat childhood developmental disorders are the same today as in the 1950’s. What is this and why are so many kids on drugs?

(1) Parents want a quick fix to a complex problem that involves exercise, nutrition, environmental toxins, parenting, and a host of other bugaboos. Ritalin (when it works) seems like a miracle overnight magic pill. Very seductive.

(2) The lack of understanding that childhood developmental disorders  such as ADHD, ADD, OCD, PDD’s, Dyslexia, Tourette’s, etc. are the SAME PROBLEM not separate entities.

(3) The false belief that these problems are incurable

(4) Doctors, educators, and parents that are using the approach of ” accentuate the positive” academic approach which aggravates the problem

(5) Last but not least, the obscene promotions of pharmaceutical drugs that cover the symptoms of problems that are CORRECTABLE with brain based therapies and nutritional interventions.

If you have wondered if chiropractic neurology and functional medicine can help you, see a chiropractor or chiropractors. Better yet, do both and see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself, Dr. Scott Brown.

How are we different? We specialize in neurological, immunological, and endocrine rehabilitation without the use of drugs or surgery. Conditions treated include: Sleep Disorders, Cognitive Disorders,Mood Disorders, Balance Disorders (Vertigo, Dizziness, etc.), Headaches, Migraines, Peripheral Neuropathy, Movement Disorders (Tics, Tremors, Tourette’s, etc.), Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ADHD, ADD, OCD, CDD, PDD, Asperger’s, etc), Fibromyalgia, Autoimmune Disorders, Thyroid Disorders, Hormone Disorders, Adrenal Disorders, and Blood Sugar Disorders (Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Hypoglycemia).

Call us today at (303) 986-7600 for a free consultation. We proudly serve Denver, Lakewood, Wheat Ridge, Arvada, Golden, Morrison, and Evergreen.

Denver/ Lakewood Chiropractor

Cortisol ( a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal gland) is crucial to thyroid function. Cortisol raises blood sugar (glucose) levels when they go too low. Over time, if the blood sugar goes too low it exhausts the adrenals leading to the corruption of thyroid activities. This dip in blood sugar also results in exhaustion of the Hypothalamus/Pituitary/Adrenal (HPA) axis. This HPA axis is controlled by the primitive brain function in the area of survival. Stress in all its many forms (diet, lifestyle, exposure to toxins, etc.) is greater today in America than at any time in history. Stress leads to adrenal failure and adrenal failure leads to thyroid malfunction including functional hypothyroidism (under active thyroid). Over time the loss of both adrenal and thyroid function leads to gastrointestinal (GI) dysfunction including infection, inflammation, and dysbiosis. This in turns weakens the thyroid and the adrenals.  You can see that this domino effect can lead to a host of  symptoms that make detective work difficult. So many people with blood sugar and adrenal failure are not being appropriately treated

If you have wondered if chiropractic neurology and functional medicine can help you, see a chiropractor or chiropractors. Better yet, do both and see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself, Dr. Scott Brown.

How are we different? We specialize in neurological, immunological, and endocrine rehabilitation without the use of drugs or surgery. Conditions treated include: Sleep Disorders, Cognitive Disorders,Mood Disorders, Balance Disorders (Vertigo, Dizziness, etc.), Headaches, Migraines, Peripheral Neuropathy, Movement Disorders (Tics, Tremors, Tourette’s, etc.), Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ADHD, ADD, OCD, CDD, PDD, Asperger’s, etc), Fibromyalgia, Autoimmune Disorders, Thyroid Disorders, Hormone Disorders, Adrenal Disorders, and Blood Sugar Disorders (Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Hypoglycemia).

Call us today at (303) 986-7600 for a free consultation. We proudly serve Denver, Lakewood, Wheat Ridge, Arvada, Golden, Morrison, and Evergreen.

Denver/ Lakewood Chiropractor