Weight Loss

Unless you are willing to risk your life to lose weight, please don’t take weight loss drugs. Remember Phen-phen? Taken off the market due to fatal pulmonary effects. Topamax (still on the market) side effects include: headaches, nausea, nervousness, anxiety, numbness and tingling in the skin, insomnia, and WEIGHT LOSS. At least this one doesn’t kill you. But is it worth it? Now we have the most recent recall of Abbot’s weight loss product Meridia which is now being taken off the market due to increased risk of heart attacks and strokes. Of course, all these drugs were originally approved by the FDA as “safe”. As always though, we are the lab rats and it is only after often tragic results that the drugs are taken off only to be replaced by a new drug, whose real dangers have not been discovered before rushing it to market. When will we  learn?
As in all aspects of health and life, discipline equals freedom. There is no substitute and no short cuts. One cannot eat poorly, not exercise, stress out and expect to have a trim and fit body – at least not in mid-life and beyond. Women especially succumb to smoking which is the cheaters way to burn calories without discipline. But the price is paid with premature face and skin aging, increased pain, and of course the life threatening cancers and heart conditions.

At Brown Chiropractic Neurology, there is no cheating. We look at blood, saliva, and stool analysis to see what your body needs and to design exercise, diet, and supplement regimens to stabilize your metabolism. For your part, you must accept that you have to work at this and that no magic pill will give you that youthful face and figure regardless of what the advertisers seduce you to believe.

If you have wondered if chiropractic nutritional approaches can help you, see a chiropractor or chiropractors. Better yet, see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself, Dr. Scott Brown

Call us today (303) 986-7600 at Brown Chiropractic Neurology for a free consultation! Proudly serving Denver, Lakewood, Golden, Wheat Ridge, Arvada, Morrison, and Evergreen Colorado (CO).

Denver/Lakewood Chiropractor

Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Are you easy going or neurotic?
Well here are some personality tips that will help you in choosing the best way to exercise based on your personality.

The AMBITIOUS exerciser: The driven individual tends to do best when exercising alone weather it is at the gym, jogging, swimming or whatever. Establish your set of rules and set times for workouts and just follow YOUR lead.

The IMPULSIVE exerciser: These people are free spirits and don’t like to be held to schedules, times, and routines. They don’t make promises, don’t plan, and may not show up at all. These people are more likely to do exercises that give them the “runner’s high” and this buzzed feeling is probably the only thing that will keep them exercising.

The SOCIAL exerciser: “People persons” have trouble doing boring solo exercises and will thrive in aerobics or spin classes. They will enjoy bicycle clubs and swim clubs where they can see and be seen.

The LAID BACK exerciser: These non-competitive folks do not like to sweat and huff and puff. The will do well in yoga and golf.

The STRESSED OUT exerciser: These people need exercise more than anyone. Worry worts need stress and anxiety relief and greater emotional stability. You should have a plan and lay out your exercise goals and stick to the plan. Peak performance exercises where you go all out and achieve the maximum safer heart rate are wonderful for the type A personalities.

The ADRENALINE JUNKIE exerciser: Do I need to explain this? Extreme skiing, zip lines, bungee jumping…….you get the picture. Try to be a little safer and mimic the stressed out exerciser. It won’t give you the rush but you will live longer!

If you have wondered if chiropractic nutritional approaches can help you, see a chiropractor or chiropractors. Better yet, see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself, Dr. Scott Brown

Call us today (303) 986-7600 at Brown Chiropractic Neurology for a free consultation! Proudly serving Denver, Lakewood, Golden, Wheat Ridge, Arvada, Morrison, and Evergreen Colorado (CO).

Denver/Lakewood Chiropractor

Judy After Take Shape for Life

Join us for our Weight Loss Wednesday meeting to learn how you can finally find a program that is safe & effective for both quick results and long-term education, planning, and support. Visit http://www.takeshapeforlife.com to learn more & come to our round-table to find out how to get started!

Denver/ Lakewood Chiropractor