HYPOGLYCEMIA occurs when fasting blood glucose levels indicate low fasting serum (blood) glucose. Hypoglycemia is caused by poor diet (heavy carbohydrates, sugars, and skipped meals), low cortisol levels, low adrenal function, Hypothyroidism, and drug side effects. Symptoms include headaches, fatigue, shakiness, irritability if meals are missed, and sweet cravings.

SYNDROME X or Metabolic Syndrome occurs when fasting glucose levels are high (this is a pre-Diabetic condition. In Syndrome X, there is usually an accompanying decrease in good cholesterol (High Density Lipoprotein, HDL), elevation in bad cholesterol (Low Density Lipoprotein, LDL), elevation in triglycerides, and elevation in uric acid.  This is usually the result of a couch potato lifestyle combined with bad food choices. Symptoms include fatigue after meals and cravings for sweets.

Maintaining blood sugar balance (neither too high or too low) is necessary to be healthy and without it, not only does one have a risk of Diabetes but also breakdown of adrenal, thyroid, gut, liver, and immune systems.

If you have wondered if chiropractic neurology and functional medicine can help you, see a chiropractor or chiropractors. Better yet, do both and see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself, Dr. Scott Brown.

How are we different? We specialize in neurological, immunological, and endocrine rehabilitation without the use of drugs or surgery. Conditions treated include: Sleep Disorders, Cognitive Disorders,Mood Disorders, Balance Disorders (Vertigo, Dizziness, etc.), Movement Disorders (Tics, Tremors, Tourette’s, etc.), Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ADHD, ADD, OCD, CDD, PDD, Asperger’s, etc), Fibromyalgia, Autoimmune Disorders, Thyroid Disorders, Hormone Disorders, Adrenal Disorders, and Blood Sugar Disorders (Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Hypoglycemia).

Call us today at (303) 986-7600 for a free consultation. We proudly serve Denver, Lakewood, Wheat Ridge, Arvada, Golden, Morrison, and Evergreen.

Take 35 IU’s per pound of your body weight in Vitamin D3 per day for optimum immune health. Vitamin D3 is the most essential vitamin for immune function, and most Americans are deficient. Of all the blood lab panels I do on patients who come to see me, 80+ % are deficient in Vitamin D. If you want to be able to resist all the bad viruses and bacteria out there, make sure you are flush on this critical supplement (actually it’s a steroid hormone mislabeled vitamin).

We measure Vitamin D levels on our standard blood panels for patients. Autoimmune patients need to have higher levels of Vitamin D than those with normal immune systems. Our office specializes in neurological, immunological, and metabolic problems.

If you have wondered if chiropractic neurology and functional medicine can help you, see a chiropractor or chiropractors. Better yet do both and see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself, Dr. Scott Brown.

Call us today at (303) 986-7600 for a free consultation. We proudly serve Denver, Lakewood, Wheat Ridge, Arvada, Golden, Morrison, and Evergreen.

Thyroid metabolism (in a nutshell) goes something like this: The hypothalamus of the brain ( the main control center for the autonomic nervous system ) produces Thyroid Releasing Hormone to excite the pituitary gland (the main endocrine gland). In turn the pituitary gland releases another hormone called Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) to the thyroid gland. TSH stimulates the production of Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO). TPO uses iodine to create T4 and T3 hormones. Most of these thyroid hormones are T4 (93%) and the rest to T3 (7%). But wait. The body only utilizes T3. So 60% of the T4 is converted in the liver to T3. Now we have 67% T3 that is useful. Fortunately, the most of the remaining T4 is converted to T3 in the peripheral tissues and the gastrointestinal tract (GI).

Here’s the problem. Things can go wrong with each of these steps. The brain may not release the TSH. The pituitary may be malfunctioning. TPO may fail to stimulate the use of iodine. The problem may be autoimmune where circulating antibodies have identified the thyroid as a foreign invader. Note that the thyroid has a similar chemical structure as gluten and this is why the body mistakenly identifies the thyroid as an enemy and attacks it. Autoimmune thyroid diseases include Hashimoto’s Disease and Graves Disease. Other non-thyroid autoimmune diseases include Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Lupus, Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis, etc..

The thyroid is a complex organ with cross talk to literally every bodily system ( brain, GI tract, neurotransmitter system, adrenal glands, liver, etc.).

If you have wondered if chiropractic nutritional approaches can help you, see a chiropractor or chiropractors. Better yet, see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself Dr. Scott Brown.

Call us today at Brown Chiropractic Neurology (303) 986-7600 for a free consultation. Proudly serving Denver, Lakewood, Arvada, Wheat Ridge, Golden, and Evergreen Colorado

Denver/ Lakewood Chiropractor

The thyroid  is like a giant switchboard where calls from all over the country (body) are routed. Hormones in the brain fire messages to the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland then fires messages to the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland fires messages to the liver. You get the picture. It is now being called “thyroid crosstalk” and the thyroid literally communicates to every cell in every system in your body. Any breakdown in the switchboard and some of the communication is jammed.

Example: The body notifies the brain that metabolism needs to increase because it is too cold. The brain then fires a message to the hypothalamus (a relay station between the nervous system and the endocrine system) to go faster and heat things up. The hypothalamus fires another message through a chemical messenger (TRH) to another gland called the pituitary gland. When TRH delivers it’s message to the pituitary, the pituitary releases thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). TSH tells the thyroid to let in iodine which stimulates another hormone called thyroid peroxidase (TPO). TPO combines with iodine to create the thyroid hormones T4 and T3.

Standard lab testing done by medical doctors only measures TSH levels. This doesn’t account for the fact that other factors such as pituitary function, autoimmune function, or even if thyroid hormones are effective throughout the rest of the body.

If you have wondered if chiropractic nutritional approaches can help, see your chiropractor or chiropractors or see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself Dr. Scott Brown.

Stay tuned for part-3 next blog!

Call us today at (303)986-7600 for a free consultation to see if brain based and natural nutrition is right for you. Proudly serving Denver, Lakewood, Golden, Arvada, Wheat Ridge, and Evergreen.

Denver/Lakewood chiropractic neurologist

If you think of the human organism as an airplane, the thyroid is the engine that lets the body fly. The thyroid is the 4 engines of the airplane and controls body temperature, regulates the rate of energy production, powerfully affects brain chemistry, modulates emotions and moods, profoundly affects immune function, and is intimately tied in to hormone regulation. Failure can result in a myriad of symptoms including but not limited to:

(1) weight gain (2) Constipation (3) fatigue (4) loss of circulation in the hands and feet (5) Depression (6) muscle cramps (7) excessive sleep (non refreshing) (8) itchy, dry skin and brittle hair that falls out (9) swelling (10) loss of the outer 1/3 of the eyebrow (11) digestive problems (12) slow wound healing (13) hypersensitivity to cold weather (14) increased risk for infections (15) morning headaches that wear off as the day wears on (16) low body temperature.

Autoimmune low thyroid (Hashimoto’s Disease) is likely to include symptoms that include but are not limited to:

(1) difficulty GAINING weight (2) Insomnia (3) Night sweats (4) Nervousness and Emotional Stress (5) Heart palpatations (6) Increased pulse (resting) (7) Trembling (inward)

The body  just won’t get off the ground or fly well without ALL aspects of thyroid integrity. Between 25 and 30 million Americans suffer from thyroid malfunction and 50% or more don’t know it. Current research indicates that more than half (in functional medicine we think it is closer to 90%) of all thyroid problems are AUTOIMMUNE. Autoimmune means that antibodies designed to attack foreign invaders have “betrayed” the host and are now attacking the host as a foreign invader. Not fair? I agree.

If you have wondered if chiropractic nutritional approaches can help your thyroid problems, see your chiropractor or chiropractors or see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself Dr. Scott Brown

Contact our office for a free consultation. 303-986-7600. Proudly serving Denver, Lakewood, Arvada, Wheat Ridge, Golden, and Evergreen

Denver/ Lakewood Chiropractic Neurologist

It is well understood that the first two years of life are important for psychological development; but, most don’t realize that this period is also extremely important for the developing immune system. The child’s immune health at this time of development will have an enormous impact on the future health of the child. Science leaves little room for doubt that introducing toxins into the child (including drugs) will suppress his or her immune system. The most important thing for a developing child is a healthy diet and nervous system. In addition the most important time for the nervous system in development is from conception through year 7.

Dr. Brown’s fine tips raising a strong, healthy baby:

(1) Healthy diet. This means tough love when it comes to “giving in” to comfort foods that have been marketed to you and your child. Eliminate gluten/wheat, soy, dairy, and processed sugar. Concentrate on healthy protein such as fish (not farm raised), all colors of vegetables and fruit, and nuts of all kinds. Avoid all processed foods, sodas, and candy because they are some of the main reasons for the exponential increase in childhood Diabetes.

(2) Avoid anti-biotics. They are still given out like candy. Chiropractic adjustments boost the immune system, and along with a healthy diet, can halt the rounds of painful ear infections as it has with so many of my patients.

(3) Kids need lots of exercise. The childhood Obesity epidemic in America is directly related to lack of exercise and to fast food diets.

(4) Breast feed your babies. This is nature’s way, and the single best way, to boost your child’s immune system. Avoid soy baby formulas at all costs (see my previous blogs on soy)

(5) Research vaccinations thoroughly before you have your child vaccinated. Some of them are not worth the risk.

(6) Limit electronic media. Electromagnetic frequency risks are now being exposed. Children need to run and jump and play in real, spatial time to fully develop balance and coordination as well as executive function. Brain research now indicates that computer use and video games may increase the child’s ability to recognize symbols and icons while hindering brain development in math in both hemispheres as well as executive function in the frontal lobe (especially the right hemisphere).

If you have wondered if chiropractic neurology and brain based therapies with natural nutrition could help your child, see a chiropractor or chiropractors. Better yet, see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself Dr. Scott Brown.

At Brown Chiropractic Neurology, we use drug free, surgery free methods to balance the brain and remove nerve disturbances. These modalities include spinal adjustments and other forms of proprioceptive stimulation, visual exercises, auditory stimulation, and cognitive exercises.  We also treat metabolic disorders which include but are not limited to: thyroid, blood sugar, adrenal, and autoimmune problems. Call us today at (303) 986-7600.

If you have ever wondered if chiropractic nutritional approaches can help, see a chiropractor or chiropractors. Better yet, see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself Dr. Scott Brown.

Call us today for a free consultation! (303) 986-7600. We proudly serve Denver, Lakewood, Golden,  Arvada, Wheat Ridge, Morrison, Evergreen, Colorado (CO).

Denver/ Lakewood Chiropractor

Hi, I’m Scott Brown DC, DABCN, FACFN, Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist and wellness doctor. There are less than 1000 doctors world wide who have obtained this recognition.I specialize in optimizing function of what I consider the 3 most important components of health: brain (neurology), spine (nerve function), and metabolic function (thyroid, liver, blood sugar/insulin, adrenals, etc.).

My neurology practice consists of rehabilitating Vertigo, Balance, Movement, Cognitive/Memory, Mood, Learning, Sleep, Developmental, Autistic Spectrum, Spinal Cord, Fibromyalgia and Brain Trauma disorders – to name a few.

My spinal practice consists of rehabilitation of Musculo-skeletal, Neck, Back, Hip, Headache, Migraine, Extremity, Carpal Tunnel, Tennis Elbow, Rotator Cuff, Sciatica, and Thoracic Outlet disorders – to name a few.

My metabolic practice emphasizes support and prevention of blood sugar (Hypoglycemia, Insulin Resistance, and Diabetes), Thyroid (Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism), Adrenal (Hyperadrenalism, Hypoadrenalism), Hormonal (male and female), Gastrointestinal, Kidney, Liver/Gall Bladder, Anemic, and AUTOIMMUNE  Disorders – to name a few.

We utilize cutting edge diagnostics and treatments with non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical brain based therapeutics. The procedures of chiropractic neurology are based on the intimate connection between the central nervous system and the musculoskeletal system mediated by sense receptors in muscles, eyes, ears, and nose. Modalities used include but are not limited to: proprioceptive (touch) stimulation, spinal adjustments, visual (eye exercises and light) stimulation, auditory (music and Interactive Metronome), olfactory (smell) stimulation, and cognitive  therapies. Physical therapies include: cold laser, hydrotherapy, EMS, oxygen therapy, and vibration.

The high impact field of chiropractic neurology was the subject of the PBS special AMAZING HEALERS called ” Waking Up The Brain”  The CD is available through our office.

Denver/ Lakewood Chiropractor

The new buzzword in chronic health problems is AUTOIMMUNE and what that means is the body identifies it’s own tissue (thyroid, kidney, adrenals, etc.) as foreign invaders and starts attacking itself. Treatments of autoimmune diseases usually consist of treating the attacked organ rather than boosting the immune system. This is tragic. For instance, autoimmune thyroid is treated by prescription drugs for hypothyroidism (Synthroid, Levathroid, etc.) without any recommendations for improving immunity.

The first thing to do in building your immune system is to make sure your vitamin D levels are OPTIMAL not just adequate. Blood work is necessary to determine your levels and the laboratory range of 32 is not nearly enough. I like to see my patients in the 60 and above range. Another fallacy is that if you spend enough time in the sun, you will not be vitamin D deficient. We are finding that, even in sunny San Diego, landscapers who work outdoors in tank tops are deficient. Get yours measured.

Why is this vitamin D (actually it is not a vitamin but a hormone produced by cholesterol) so important? Because it can cut, by almost 50%, MOST of the most devastating and costly diseases of modern man – cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and dementia.

At Brown Chiropractic Neurology,.we optimize our patients chances of a healthy life with a complete functional blood work analysis which includes vitamin D levels. Visit us today at – browncnc.com. Ph: (303) 986-7600


A person’s health history and symptoms are very important in evaluating thyroid function. Why? Because 90% of hypothyroid problems are autoimmune. Translation – it’s not a thyroid problem but an attack by the body’s immune system on the thyroid. This means that treating the thyroid will not help the problem but supporting the immune system will. This is where functional medicine differs from conventional medicine. Conventional medicine continues to prescribe thyroid medications (Synthroid, Leavathroid, etc.) when the problem is not thyroid.

Our patients fill out a thorough history assessment as well as obtain blood work, including antibody testing (which identifies autoimmune problems). Then if the problem is autoimmune, which it usually is, we support the thyroid.

Check out:  http://www.thyroidbook.com by the leading expert, Datis Kharrazian, on thyroid and endocrine disorders.

Check out my website: browncnc.com