April 2011

What do top athletes do that separate them from the herd? Other than natural ability combined with hard work? They are always searching for the “edge” for ways to improve – even fractions of a second for Lindsey Vonn in the downhill ski race can mean the difference between a gold medal and obscurity. ALL of these top performers today are diet fanatics and Lance Armstrong is even reported to weigh his food.

Dr. Brown’s fine peak performance tips:
(1) Optimize energy systems by supporting a healthy brain and intestinal flora. Probiotics and omega 3 fatty acids promote symbiosis between brain and gut.  Why do I associate brain and gut? Because most people with good brains have good guts. The gut is considered the 2nd brain and is responsible for 75% of your immune system. Immune compromised athletes rarely excel, not to mention that a leaky gut fails to deliver fuel to make the muscles work.

(2) Get as much fiber in your diet as possible. Regularity promotes optimal performance. Try beans, peas, legumes, apricots, raspberries, figs, plums, pears, apples, broccoli, cherries, bananas, brussels sprouts, coconuts, and baked potatoes (with skin).

(3) Get 8 hours of sleep EVERY night. Some studies (and my personal experience) show that the hours slept before midnight are worth twice as much as after.

(4) Turn on your brain and central nervous system with chiropractic adjustments and massage. Top performers such as Joe Montana, Tiger Woods, and Lance Armstrong keep their edge with regular adjustments and freely admit that they could not perform at the highest level without spinal and extremity adjustments.

(5) Limit alcohol. No explanation needed

(6) Thank you for not smoking!

(7) Eliminate stress. Chill out – literally. Read spiritual or inspirational literature before going to sleep and NEVER watch the (bad) news that starts at 11 pm every night.

If you have wondered if chiropractic can help  you reach your athletic potential, see a chiropractor or chiropractors. Better yet, see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself Dr. Scott Brown.

Call us today at Brown Chiropractic Neurology (303) 986-7600 for a free consultation. We proudly serve Denver, Lakewood, Golden, Morrison, Wheat Ridge, Arvada, and Evergreen, Colorado (CO).

Denver/Lakewood Chiropractor

The risk of cancer from cell phone usage is now becoming the elephant in the cancer room. There is just too much smoke to not be looking for a fire. Dr. Siegal Sadetzki was principal investigator in a study on cell phones and testified before a senate hearing in 2009. The study found that your risk of getting a parotid tumor on the same side of the head as you listen to a cell phone increases by (1) 49%  if you have spoken on the phone for over 266 hours in your LIFETIME (2) 58% if you’ve had more than 5,500 calls in your LIFETIME (3) 34% if you regularly use a cell phone for 5 years or more. Pretty scary. Most alarming is that children, who are most susceptible to radiation damage, are using these phones as if they were attached to the head. They are the ones who will almost certainly be a part of the brain cancer epidemic that is coming (my opinion). Are there other studies? Study after study in UK, Russia, Belgium, Germany, and France is warning of the problems coming. In 2009, a review of 11 studies warned that using a cell phone 10 years or more will double your risk of a brain tumor.

The tobacco industry spent a fortune on sham “scientific studies” to prove tobacco was healthy. The cell phone industry is following suit.It takes decades for these tumors to develop. Do you want to take that chance? The baby boomers may the the first generation to where many parents outlive their children and this may be one of the reasons.

Dr. Brown’s fine cell phone tips:

(1) Children under 10 should not be allowed to use a cell phone – period.

(2) Avoid cell phones for anything other than emergencies

(3) Avoid as many wireless devices as possible

(4) Hold the phone as far away from your ear as possible

(5) NEVER use the cell phone while pregnant or carrying an infant

(6) Use land lines whenever you possibly can

Dr. Ron Heberman, the director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute has directed his faculty and staff to limit their use of cell phones because of the possible risk of cancer. He states, ” Really at the heart of my concern is that we shouldn’t wait for a definitive study to come out, but to err on the side of being safe rather than sorry later. Kudos Dr. Heberman! and Ditto from Dr. Brown.

If you have wondered if chiropractic nutritional approaches can help you, see a chiropractor or chiropractors. Better yet, see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself, Dr. Scott Brown

Call us today (303) 986-7600 at Brown Chiropractic Neurology for a free consultation! Proudly serving Denver, Lakewood, Golden, Wheat Ridge, Arvada, Morrison, and Evergreen Colorado (CO).

Denver/Lakewood Chiropractor

Dangerous drugs to be aware of (and just the tip of the iceberg):
(1) The new birth control pill Yaz (Yasmin) – causing strokes, heart attacks, blood clots, and gall bladder disease in 18 year olds.
(2) Ambien (sleep drug)  – Law enforcement is saying that traffic accidents from blackouts caused by Ambien are on the rise.
(3) Tamoxifen (cancer drug) – for every case of cancer prevented there is a case of blood clots, life threatening stroke or endometrial cancer caused by it.

(4) Cholesterol lowering statin drugs such as Lipitor and Crestor cause muscle breakdown, muscle atrophy, liver disease, CO-Q 10 depletion,pain and weakness, plaque deposits, increased cancer risk, decreased immune function and even death. The FDA’s David Graham named it one of the 5 most dangerous drugs

(5) Gardasil and Cevarix (use to prevent sexually trasmitted viruses like HPV)- as of September 2010, linked to 56 girl’s deaths in the U.S. alone.

(6) Chantix (anti smoking drug ) – banned for use by truck drivers, bus drivers, and air traffic controllers after being linked to psychosis and


(7) Singulair and Acolate (asthma drugs)-  leukotriene receptor agonists linked to children and hostility, aggression, irritability, anxiety, and hallucinations.

What did not make Martha’s list but should have:

(1) Ritalin – ADHD “wonder” drug that acts almost identically like cocaine. This drug causes increased levels of dopamine which is the “hit” that addicts crave. Scientists believe that the reason that Ritalin has not produced more addicts is that oral ingestion has slower effects for getting high whereas injected or smoked crack high is instant.

(2) Celebrex – this pain killer is linked to kidney damage, cardiovascular disease, liver damage, and stomach bleeds.

(3) Avandia  (Diabetes drug)- banned in Europe, this drug increases the risk of heart attack

(4) Fosamex, Boniva and all the Bisphosphonate drugs (bone density drugs) – double the risk of atrial fibrillation, thigh bone fractures, jaw bone rot, serious eye problems, liver damage, renal failure, and on and on. There are legitimate natural ways to protect bone health.

Dr. Brown’s fine tip on drugs is very simple. DO YOUR RESEARCH before taking any on them. It is so clear that most health conditions can be managed, treated, or cured with diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes. The choice is yours. Caveat Emptor!

If you have wondered if chiropractic nutritional approaches can help you, see a chiropractor or chiropractors. Better yet, see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself, Dr. Scott Brown

Call us today (303) 986-7600 at Brown Chiropractic Neurology for a free consultation! Proudly serving Denver, Lakewood, Golden, Wheat Ridge, Arvada, Morrison, and Evergreen Colorado (CO).

Denver/Lakewood Chiropractor

Two separate studies (2008 on 13,000 women and 2010 on 28,000 women) indicate that cell phone usage while pregnant results in a statistically higher percentage of children with behavioral difficulties. If the children themselves used cell phones before puberty, the likelihood of behavioral abnormalities increased by 50%. The studies also confirmed that mom’s health habits especially the foods that she  eats affects the child’s food preferences. Mom’s who had trouble getting pregnant, suffered from Chronic Fatigue or Depression, had Autoimmune Disease, heavy metal toxicity, Diabetes, and a whole host of other conditions have also been shown to have a greater likelihood of behavioral and Autistic Spectrum problems.

Is it worth the risk? As with tobacco and “FDA approved” drugs, it may be a long time before the effects of electromagnetic frequencies (EMF’S) are fully investigated. Animal studies have shown that EMF’s in the same frequency as cell phones can impact liver, heart, endocrine, and muscle tissue and may even alter DNA. According to Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, a nervous system expert, this is exactly what is happening and the genes that “flip” as a result of EMF damage may cause Muscular Dystrophy and Developmental Delays.

A healthy regimen in pregnant women should consist of:

(1) Vitamin D3 ( 5-8,000 I.U.’s per day)

(2) Glutathione and Super Oxide Dismutase enhancing foods and supplements ( I use Oxi-cell from Apex Energetics and Protandim, both which are available in our clinic)

(3) Probiotics (healthy bacteria to fight the bad ones) ( I use Probiotic Perls from Intergrated Therapeutics or Strentgia from Apex)

(4) Omega 3 fatty acids (I use Brain E from Apex Energetics or Pure EFA from Integrated Therapeutics)

(5) Regular exercise

(6) Brain based chiropractic adjustments to ensure proper central nervous system integrity and prevent pregnancy related back pain

If you have wondered if chiropractic nutritional approaches can help you, see a chiropractor or chiropractors. Better yet, see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself, Dr. Scott Brown

Call us today (303) 986-7600 at Brown Chiropractic Neurology for a free consultation! Proudly serving Denver, Lakewood, Golden, Wheat Ridge, Arvada, Morrison, and Evergreen Colorado (CO).

Denver/Lakewood Chiropractor

It is never too late to protect your brain, however; Diabetes AND Alzheimer’s usually develop over a period of years, if not decades, before the very first signs and symptoms occur. Brain starvation occurs in Diabetes and Alzheimer’s Diseases and what most people don’t realize is that the brain manufactures it’s own insulin to convert glucose from the bloodstream into food for survival. When the brain stops producing insulin, it begins to starve. The same thing happens in Alzheimer’s where the brain atrophies leading to cognitive (memory), speech, motor, and personality changes. Diabetics have between a 50% -75% chance of Alzheimer’s Disease (WOW!). So pay attention because the research is quite clear that insulin resistance is connected to Alzheimer’s (no one yet knows how).

The good news is that there are food sources and supplements that can to improve brain function even after damage has occurred. Some of the heavy hitters in this category are: vitamin B-12, coconut oil, phosphatidylserine, acetylcholine, omega 3 fatty acids or krill oil, and a host of others that are specific to individual needs. Heavy carbohydrate diets have been shown to destabilize blood sugar and are therefore NOT good for brain function. A more appropriate ketogenic diet laden with fats and creams produces medium chain triglycerides which has been found to send ketones to the brain directly to produce fuel. It is now thought that ketones are the best source of brain food for Diabetics and Dementia patients. For instance, ketone producing coconut oil is a fat that acts like a carbohydrate without the negative effects on the individual insulin system.

Foods to avoid if you want to keep your mind sharp:
(1) Grains of ALL kinds (even organic). Sorry everyone, I know you like these for breakfast.
(2) Soy. Sorry again. So many people have been misled that un-fermented soy such as Tofu is good. See my previous blog.
(3) Artificial sweeteners of ANY kind including Splenda. A lot of you won’t like this. Aspartame is the baddest of the bad of these products and, although the mechanisms are unknown, studies on animals have shown that Aspartame impairs multiple memory functions, damages hypothalamic neurons, causes brain damage, mental retardation, and brain tumors. Don’t take the chance.

(4) Restrict sugar to 20-30 grams per day (even fresh fruits).  Along with grains, too much sugar is the greatest contributor to Diabetes

Optimize brain health and protect your immune system at the same time by:

(1) Regular exercise

(2) 5-10,000 I.U.’s of vitamin D

(3) Avoid anti-cholinergic drugs (Acetylcholine is an important neurotransmitter for memory, and certain drugs including broncho-dilators will block its positive brain effects)

If you have wondered if chiropractic nutritional approaches can help you, see a chiropractor or chiropractors. Better yet, see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself, Dr. Scott Brown

Call us today (303) 986-7600 at Brown Chiropractic Neurology for a free consultation! Proudly serving Denver, Lakewood, Golden, Wheat Ridge, Arvada, Morrison, and Evergreen Colorado (CO).

Denver/Lakewood Chiropractor

A popular “health” myth is that soy is great, soy is good. Traditionally, that may have been true. With  modern processed food, unfortunately it is not the case.

LITTLE KNOWN FACTS : (1) Phytoestogens (plant substances that have the same effects as estrogens), found in modern soy products, are powerful endocrine system disruptors (2) infant soy formula inundates the bloodstream with female hormones that inhibit testosterone levels associated with learning and developmental delays in boys (3) Soy fed girls go through early puberty (always a bad thing).


(1) Synthetic (toxic) vitamin D is added to soy milk. This increases the body’s need for legitimate vitamin D3.

(2) Processed soy protein produces cancer causing nitrosamines.

(3) Soy foods contain aluminum (toxic heavy metal) that causes kidney and central nervous system damage.

(4) MSG and other neurotoxins are added to soy to hide it’s unpleasant taste.

(5) Soy phytoestrogens can cause infertility and cause breast cancer.

(6) It is a myth that soy products increase your sex life, protect against heart disease, provide complete protein, or protect against cancer.

(7) Infants fed only on soy formula have receive the equivalent amount of estrogen as taking 4 birth control pills per day

If you carefully and painstakingly review the massive amount of  research on soy, you will reach the conclusion that the risks associated with soy far out weigh the possible benefits. The critical distinction that must be made is between the huge difference between fermented and non-fermented soy. The healthy Asian people who enjoy the benefits of natto, miso, soy sauce, and tempeh do so eating FERMNETED soy foods. It’s the un-fermented soy (containing genetically modified food or GMO’s) that is destructive to health and wellness. Sadly, the American public has been duped into thinking that tofu, soy milk, cheese, and ice creams are healthy.

Americans should eliminate soy products from their diets especially if they have:

– food allergies


-kidney stones

-thyroid disorders

-autoimmune disorders

-fertility problems


-brain damage

If you have wondered if chiropractic nutritional approaches can help you, see a chiropractor or chiropractors. Better yet, see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself, Dr. Scott Brown

Call us today (303) 986-7600 at Brown Chiropractic Neurology for a free consultation! Proudly serving Denver, Lakewood, Golden, Wheat Ridge, Arvada, Morrison, and Evergreen Colorado (CO).

Denver/Lakewood Chiropractor

There is now strong scientific evidence linking the health of the mouth to the health of the heart. The correlation between gum disease and heart disease is not so shocking if you realize that they both involve CHRONIC INFLAMMATION. Interesting fact:  you build up plaque in your arteries (atherosclerosis) and plaque on your teeth. Hmmm….  A 2010 Scottish health study concluded that poor dental hygiene leads to poor cardiovascular health. They found that brushing your teeth twice per day could reduce you risk of heart disease by 70%. Toxic bacteria from periodontal disease can get in the blood stream and the lining of your heart vessels. Inflammatory diseases are sky rocketing in America and include:

-gout, lupus, asthma, gastritis, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroiditis, prostatitis, multiple sclerosis, atherosclerosis, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, hepatitis, and allergies.


(1) Don’t grind your teeth (bruxing) – it leads to headaches and wears out your teeth.
(2) If your gums are growing over your teeth, it may be a reaction to certain immune suppressing drugs that you are taking. Check with your doctor about the side effects.
(3) Dry mouth can be a sign of dehydration, drug reactions, Diabetes, and Autoimmune Diseases. See your doctor if quinching your thirst doesn’t solve the problem.
(4) Disintegrating teeth (crumbling, cracking) is not a sign of a tooth problem but more of stomach acid pushed up into the mouth and eroding the teeth. See your doctor
(5) Sores in the mouth that DON’T go away may not just be cold sores but a sign of mouth cancer. Just get it checked by a doctor.
(6) Lichen Planus is a benign skin disorder leading to a white colored webbing inside of the mouth.
(7) Aspirational Pneumonia can lead to a crust on the dentures. This is a cause of death in the elderly when they inhale foreign particles that get trapped in the teeth.

At Brown Chiropractic Neurology, our tag line is “well by choice, not by chance” and with a proper health history, metabolic assessment, and neurological examination, we can catch inflammatory problems developing before they become a crisis. Don’t participate in the sick care system – see us for a screening. And don’t forget to brush your teeth and have a cleaning at your dentist twice per year.

If you have wondered if chiropractic nutritional approaches can help you, see a chiropractor or chiropractors. Better yet, see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself, Dr. Scott Brown

Call us today (303) 986-7600 at Brown Chiropractic Neurology for a free consultation! Proudly serving Denver, Lakewood, Golden, Wheat Ridge, Arvada, Morrison, and Evergreen Colorado (CO).

Denver/Lakewood Chiropractor

Who is at risk for eye diseases? Well, all of us. But some are more at risk than others. Your eyes are one of the 5 senses that bring you all of your sensory stimulation for brain and body health. They are important! Baby boomers, especially those over 60 are at higher risk for poor eye health and especially if they are:




White (Caucasian)

Spend a lot of time in the sun

Spend a lot of computer, TV, or video games time


(1) Eat all the different colored vegetables and fruits that you can (yellow bananas, green kiwi, red strawberries, orange carrots, green spinach, etc). Each color has different anti-oxidant protectors.Carotenoid vegetables (sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, and carrots)  rich in Lutein and Zeaxanthin are especially good.

(2) Make sure your blood sugar is optimal. At Brown Chiropractic Neurology, after a thorough examination and metabolic assessment, we look at fasting glucose, carbon dioxide, and lactic acid dehydrogenase levels to see if you are Hypoglycemic, Insulin Resistantce, or Diabetic. Diabetics are at high risk for eye diseases including blindness.

(3) Support your brain and heart. Vascular diseases causing  high blood pressure, neurological, and heart problems can cause obstruction to the blood vessels of the eye.

(4) Eat food rich in Omega 3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) for maximum eye health. Eat wild fish especially salmon and take a pharmaceutical grade Omega 3 supplement as well.

(5) Quit or at least cut down on smoking. ‘Nuff said.

(6) See an eye doctor for an eye exam, even if you think your vision hasn’t changed. They can spot things before you know about them. I recommend Dr. Kelly Jackson in Golden or Dr. George Mamalis in Lakewood.

(7) I personally hedge my bet and take a supplement with all the known  natural eye health boosters. You can too. Call us today at (303) 986-7600.

If you have wondered if chiropractic nutritional approaches can help you, see a chiropractor or chiropractors. Better yet, see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself, Dr. Scott Brown

Call us today (303) 986-7600 at Brown Chiropractic Neurology for a free consultation! Proudly serving Denver, Lakewood, Golden, Wheat Ridge, Arvada, Morrison, and Evergreen Colorado (CO).

Denver/Lakewood Chiropractor

Unless you are willing to risk your life to lose weight, please don’t take weight loss drugs. Remember Phen-phen? Taken off the market due to fatal pulmonary effects. Topamax (still on the market) side effects include: headaches, nausea, nervousness, anxiety, numbness and tingling in the skin, insomnia, and WEIGHT LOSS. At least this one doesn’t kill you. But is it worth it? Now we have the most recent recall of Abbot’s weight loss product Meridia which is now being taken off the market due to increased risk of heart attacks and strokes. Of course, all these drugs were originally approved by the FDA as “safe”. As always though, we are the lab rats and it is only after often tragic results that the drugs are taken off only to be replaced by a new drug, whose real dangers have not been discovered before rushing it to market. When will we  learn?
As in all aspects of health and life, discipline equals freedom. There is no substitute and no short cuts. One cannot eat poorly, not exercise, stress out and expect to have a trim and fit body – at least not in mid-life and beyond. Women especially succumb to smoking which is the cheaters way to burn calories without discipline. But the price is paid with premature face and skin aging, increased pain, and of course the life threatening cancers and heart conditions.

At Brown Chiropractic Neurology, there is no cheating. We look at blood, saliva, and stool analysis to see what your body needs and to design exercise, diet, and supplement regimens to stabilize your metabolism. For your part, you must accept that you have to work at this and that no magic pill will give you that youthful face and figure regardless of what the advertisers seduce you to believe.

If you have wondered if chiropractic nutritional approaches can help you, see a chiropractor or chiropractors. Better yet, see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself, Dr. Scott Brown

Call us today (303) 986-7600 at Brown Chiropractic Neurology for a free consultation! Proudly serving Denver, Lakewood, Golden, Wheat Ridge, Arvada, Morrison, and Evergreen Colorado (CO).

Denver/Lakewood Chiropractor

Men are notorious for not paying attention to their health until it jumps up and bites them. That is why the majority (90%) of retirement age men do not have optimum prostate health. It is now thought that most men who live to be 80 will have prostate cancer and not even know it. A pecan sized gland, the prostate can grow to be the size on a golf ball or larger. An enlarged prostate can put pressure on the urethra which carries the stream of urine and sperm and most people know that this is why men with enlarged prostates have to get up multiple times per night to dribble small amounts of urine; and, they also have sexual problems as well. What most people don’t know is that the prostate is involved in the immune system as well.

Dr. Brown’s fine tips on prostate health:
(1) Eat organic, eat healthy
(2) Get quality supplemental support with products containing Saw palmetto berry, Pygeum bar, Stinging Nettle leaf, Swedish flower pollen extract, L-Alanine, L-Glutamic Acid, and Glycine.
(3) Make sure you have at least 5,000 I.U. of Vitamin D3 per day along with healthy doses of Vitamin K2, Selenium, Vitamin E, with 1-2,000 mg of calcium with 600 mg of magnesium

If you have wondered if chiropractic nutritional approaches can help you, see a chiropractor or chiropractors. Better yet, see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself, Dr. Scott Brown

Call us today (303) 986-7600 at Brown Chiropractic Neurology for a free consultation! Proudly serving Denver, Lakewood, Golden, Wheat Ridge, Arvada, Morrison, and Evergreen Colorado (CO).

Denver/Lakewood Chiropractor