Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a degenerative, immune or autoimmune disease resulting in loss of the waxy like substance called myelin sheath that covers nerves and allows them to rapidly transmit nerve impulses.

Did you know?

(1) BBC News reports: “Just by analyzing sunlight, they (researchers) could explain 61% or the variation in the numbers of MS cases across England. However, when they combined the effect of sunlight and glandular fever (caused by Epstein Barr Virus), 72% of the variation in MS cases could be explained.” Translation: by getting enough sunlight and improving your immune system, you have a 72% less chance of getting MS

(2) Over time the loss of proper nerve conductance leads to:  (A) Sensory Disturbances (numbness and tingling, itching, pain, electric shocks) (B) Motor Disturbances (Paralysis, loss of muscle tone,  tremors, slurred speech, foot drags) (C) Balance and Coordination Disturbances ( tripping, falling, shaking, loss of coordination, inner ear problems) (D) Visual Disturbances ( blurred vision, double vision, abnormal pupil responses, flashing lights, jerky eye movements (E) Bowel, bladder, and sexual symptoms ( urinary urgency, urinary retention, bowel incontinence, inability to achieve orgasm, impotence) (F) cognitive Disorders (memory and recall problems)

(3) Immune system deficits and Vitamin D deficiency explain most MS cases. Research has confirmed that the farther you live from the equator (less sun) the greater the chances for MS. The rate of MS doubles if you spend your pubescent years in the northern U.S. compared the southern U.S.. Journal of Neurology, April 2010 concludes that there is a pressing need to study vitamin D and the Epstein Barr Virus.

(4) Research clearly indicates that Vitamin D positively alters cytokines (cellular messengers) that influence, for good or bad, inflammation.

Dr. Brown’s fine tips on boosting your immune system and decreasing the probability of autoimmune disorders including MS:

* make sure your Vitamin D levels (determined on blood lab testing) are between 45-65 ng/ml and if you already have cancer, MS or an other autoimmune disorder take between 70- 95ng/ml.

* Eliminate sugars and most fructose (no more than 20-30 grams per day. Avoid all sugar substitutes including corn syrup, processed fruit juices,  and aspartame products.

* Eliminate dairy/milk products (associated with increased MS)

*Load up on Omega 3 Fatty Acids ( important anti-inflammatory essentials that almost every American is deficient in)

* Check iron levels because many Americans have EXCESS iron which stresses the immune system

* Decrease stress (easier said than done)

If you have ever wondered of chiropractic nutritional approaches can help, see your chiropractor or chiropractors or better yet, see a chiropractic neurologist such as myself Dr. Scott Brown.

At Brown Chiropractic Neurology, we take care of immune systems in treatment and prevention. Call us today for and appointment.(303)-986-7600. Proudly serving Denver, Lakewood, Arvada, Golden, Wheat Ridge, and Evergreen.

Denver/ Lakewood Chiropractor

If you read about or see artists’ renditions of the Bubonic Plague era in Europe, you will notice that even though 1/3 of the population was wiped out, the other 2/3 survived. The survivors, surrounded by dead and dying, hauled the dead from the streets in wheel barrows .T he 2/3 that survived were exposed to the same bacteria that killed 1 out of 3 people. So why did they survive.? The reason is that the survivors were strong hosts with strong immune systems. Those who succumbed did not have strong immune systems.

Most people think of the immune system in passive terms (This thing got me or I caught this bug) as if critters (viruses, germs, bacteria, etc.) select who to attack (serendipity). Nothing could be further from the truth. People in the very same bacterial or viral environment have markedly  different reactions to the same exposures. What has to happen before you “catch” something? Well, for one thing, our digestive system is now understood to be responsible for 75% of human immunity. So those with bad digestion (usually with bad brains) will be vulnerable. Also, our vitamin D levels are probably the most crucial early defense against immune challenges. Then,  there are numerous bodily tissues and cells  involved in proper immune function, including but not limited to: T & B cells, Natural Killer (NK) cells, macrophages, and numerous other cellular messengers.

Recent studies point to what is called “functional crosstalk between the immune system and the thyroid. So if the thyroid is not working properly, it can effect immunity. In addition, immune signaling mediators such as cytokines and adjuvants can disrupt the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function. To complicate matters further, asymmetry of brain function (hemisphericity) can cause loss of immune resistance (left brain problem where one catches every bug or virus that comes along) or immune suppression (right brain problem where one has asthma, allergies, and psoriasis). So you see that the problem is not  the  invaders but in the host’s resistance to those invaders. Finally, most research today points to a strong immune system being a virtual roadblock to development of cancer cells.

At Brown  Chiropractic Neurology, utilizing  brain based therapeutics, we specialize in functional neurology and nutrition. Don’t turn into a host for bacteria and viruses  by strengthening  your immune system with diet and lifestyle changes. We keep abreast of the latest science based research to provide you with the best care for a healthy life. I am Scott Brown DC, DABCN, FACFN, Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist, Functional Neurologist, Nutritionist at 300 Union Blvd. Ste. 370, Lakewood, CO 80228, PH: (303) 986-7600, website; I’d like to help.

Denver/ Lakewood Chiropractor